Sunday, October 25, 2009

My little China doll...

Mackendra had a Halloween party today. Oh my goodness, be still my beating' heart...she made a truly precious China doll. It took the talent of the beautiful Auria and myself to transform Mac-doodle into this Asian spectacle...

She was the hit of the party! We picked up the dress and sash at Value village for a pittance and with a little face paint, black hair spray, fake hair, and safety pins...viola....Moo shoo guy pan anyone???

And check out her little friends...

I love Halloween!

And can I say that Mac-a-roni totally rocks the black hair!

Until later....


Purplestamper said...

So Sweet (NO SOUR) just love your little Mac a Doodle. Miss your Sparkling A as well So grateful to have you in life and love your posts. Keep me smiling and laughing for sure. Hey...Do you and Frank play crib???

Tanya Johnson said...

Hi Sheri, thanks for the comment. Ace is having a blast snorkling in the Great Barrier Reef and trying Kangaroo meat! We miss her as well, Mac the most. My Dad tried to teach me how to play crib one time and just yelled at me, "why did you bid 2 hearts!!" or something like that. So, no, we don't play crib. But we are a mean tag-team at canasta! I am also the undisputed Queen of Pictionary, but I suck at humdinger in Cranium. Thanks for everything.

Natasha said...

OMGosh!! She's SO cute!! Love the costume you put together!! I never seem to have time to put together costumes like we used to be when we were growing up:( I'm gonna have a jedi knight and a Barbie Musketeer this year. I'm missing Logan too:( She called a couple nights ago and was SO excited because of the snorkeling in the Great Barrier made me happy.

Mary Sue said...

She's too cute! Did Aislinn miss Halloween in the Northern Hemisphere? Do Australians celebrate Halloween?