Thursday, June 10, 2010

...I make this look good!

Ha ha! I love this dog. And Aislinn loves him even more. He is her living, breathing, oh so patient dress-up doll.

He has also been her test subject for a very scientific experiment: "Do Dogs like Cold Water or Room Temperature Water?"

Conclusion: "Dogs don't care what temperature their water is."

This dog, like probably every dog, is a great companion. He is definitely a lover and not a fighter. In fact, when we wrestle as a family, this dog will physically insert his body between the combatants.

He loves his people, especially the kids.

Maybe almost as much as chasing his ball.

He's pretty awesome.


Auria said...

I miss him! We have two golden retrievers at the hostel we're staying at and they're pretty sweet, but no dog is as sweet as Tuck!

Your Daily Laughter said...


I was thinking of you and just thought I'd see how you were doing!

I'm going to try to keep my blog up to date... I forgot about it!

I hope everything is going well for you!
