Sunday, November 8, 2009

He makes nuclear weaponry look good...

Quick! Name this Dictator....

Ignore the fact that his glasses don't really contain lenses and his nuclear missile is a little crooked.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Yes!!! Its Kim Jong Il of NORTH Korea.

Here is another picture of him, from a few years ago.

I think, along with his nuclear technology, he also had his wily scientists working on an anti-aging potion that seems to be working very well...look...

He looks about 40 years younger. Amazing!!!

Ok, ok, I confess, this isn't actually a crazy NORTH Korean dictator...this is my little brother, Darren, at Halloween. But the similarity is uncanny, isn't it?

Ok, here's another quiz question...

Who is this nasty, creepy man? Mackendra named him, "Kid Killer". And I think it was pretty appropriate.

Here's another look...

Don't mind his "Fairy Dog". Kid Killer was one mean looking, scare-inducing nightmare of a monster. His mission the whole night was to scare kids into giving him their candy. The only problem is that noone got close enough to him so he could ask/scare it out of them. Kid Killer would stand on one side of the street and kids would cross the street to avoid him. He made a group of young girls scream hysterically and run away. That was almost as good as getting candy, but he failed in his mission.

Don't be jealous, but Kid Killer is taken. He's all mine. Once you get to know him, Kid Killer ain't that scary.

Ok, here's another one...

Who is this sad, sick looking child? Awwwww...she looks so sick. What is she doing out of the hospital??? Is it the swine flu?

Ohhhhhhh! Ok, maybe she's not goodness! What happened to your face, girl? Who did this to you?

Kim Jong Il, you say! Why that low down, nuclear warhead loving, squinty-eyed dictator. Yet another reason for the US to invade and ....what do you mean...the US doesn't care about WMD's? What about Iraq? But...I don't get it.

Anyways, why would Kim Jong Il do that to this sweet innocent child? And...

Oh! Uhhhhh...someone should tell her that her bum is hanging out. Awkward!

Ha ha...that is our lovely Auria. Can you imagine the response as she walked away from her table while at work in Earl's Halloween night.

Finally, can you name this unlikely couple?

Uh huh! It's a Tiny Geisha and KISS's half-sister that Gene Simmons never talked about! Congratulations!!! You win....ummm...well...I don't really have a prize. But, "Yah, you!"

Happy Halloween from our family to yours!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

LOL!!! Darren's costume is AWESOME!!! I love it!!