Saturday, March 20, 2010

...the morning after

Hello Friends. I made it through the night. I got some much needed rest. I didn't actually end up falling asleep that early, but the sleeping in to 10am really made a difference. I LOVE the weekends!

We ended up heading out to Stanley Park this afternoon. The kids rode their bikes and Frank, Tuck and I ran. It was pretty cool and despite some muscle cramps this evening and having to take a recovery nap when we got back we are all doing pretty good.

Good looking family, huh?

So now, I'm recharged for another week. However, I think I'll be looking forward to the coming weekend yet again as Frank is heading out of town for work for 4 days.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Mary Sue said...

I still have your Happy Holidays picture hanging above my light switch! I miss you guys! Check your hotmail!