Friday, March 19, 2010

...seeking a little solitude

Hello Friends. We've all been there...those weeks in which we feel we've been stretched too thin. The tank is on empty and the nearest gas station is 150 km away. The well is dry. I'm scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I've fired both barrels. I've burned the candle at both ends for too long...whatever the saying...all I know is that I want to crawl into bed and sleep for 20 hours.

It's 8:38pm on a Friday night and what I would really like is to find a good book and read until I fall asleep. Is that lame? Does that make me old? Do I care right now?

I'll let you know in the morning.

'til later....


aaa said...

You poor thing, I know how you feel as I work for the 17th of the last 20 days....not to mention all the running to practices and keeping the family talking to each other. It takes and takes from you and it's nice to have those times when all that matters is yourself.

Natasha said...

I say DO IT!!! I totally feel that way right now...haven't been sleeping well the past couple always bickering with each other. Enough to make me want to pull my hair out. I want to hide away in my bed for the next week and not come out for anything!

Mary Sue said...

I constantly want to crawl in bed and sleep for 20 hours straight all the time, especially with percussion ensemble going on. You're not old. You just need a nap! By the way, that's an adorable picture of Mackendra!