Saturday, April 17, 2010

...some new layouts.

Had a few spare minutes today to play with Adobe Photoshop. Here is a few of the final results.

The above picture was taken last year while Mackendra was playing at the local waterpark.

The next one was from my little sister, Rachel's, wedding last summer.

And I also have a funny story to tell you.

I was picking up Mac from her after-school care the other day and my friend, the daycare lady, Sheri, called me over and had to tell me something.

Sheri said the Mackendra was a little tired today and not her usual self and when Sheri asked her what was wrong Mackendra said that she didn't sleep well the night before because her Uncle and Auntie were "smoking something weird last night and it smelled really bad and made her feel sick."

Sheri just looked at me...I looked back at her...

Sheri said something about not judging...

Sheri also said that she promises to not believe half of the things she hears at the daycare about home and that she asks parents to not believe half of the things they hear at home about the daycare. Seems like a logical way to approach such situations.

To clarify...Darren was celebrating his birthday with a couple friends and a few cigars.

The problem is that the were smoking the cigars in the basement suite and it STUNK!!!!

We never let people smoke in our house. We hate the smell.

Anyways, that was the "weird stuff" that was being smoked in my house by my kids' Uncle and Aunt.

Darren et al. put out their cigars and the next day he came up and apologized.

Everything is cool.

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