Friday, May 21, 2010

...what turning 12 looks like.

The cake was delicious. The kid was excited. And another year has passed.

I really cannot believe that Aislinn is 12 now. She looks like she's 15 mind you and although I'm loathe to say it...she's only about an inch or so shorter than me now. And not to mention her 9.5 size feet!!!! My God that kid has huge feet!

When did she go from this...

To this?

I think every parent looks at their kid and thinks..."when the hell did that happen? And where was I?"

Aislinn awoke to a floor covered in balloons...and Mom went to sleep with sore thumbs from tying them. But it was worth every cuss word I muttered to see her happy face in the morning.

To celebrate the day we all decided to go golfing. It wasn't pretty.

It actually looked more like lawn bowling for the most part. The only one who knew what he was doing was Frank. But we had fun and no one was around to laugh at us, which I consider to be the most important part about golfing.

And then we headed out to The Keg for prime rib and crab. And a big ole blackberry martini for Mom! Golf is thirsty work, people!

After that, it was home for birthday cake and presents.

Blow hard, Aislinn!


Mary Sue said...

AWW! I loved the pictures! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AISLINN!!!!!!!

Tanya Johnson said...

Thanks, MSB! Are you back in Beckley now? What are your plans for the summer?

Natasha said...

Sorry we weren't there to celebrate with you!! Looks like you had a great day, Aislinn!!