Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Typical Weekend

Hello everyone,

Well, we had a pretty typical weekend. Friday night and Saturday morning were spent at basketball games with Aislinn.

She is not in this picture. I gave my camera to a parent to take pictures for me and they stayed in the stands the entire time so all her pictures are from very far away, very dark and mostly of her kid. Oh well. I'll have to conscript Frank into being our photog next time. But I'm in the picture! I'm talking to the kids and at least two of them are feigning attention, the other couldn't be bothered it seems. Aislinn has been doing pretty good lately. She has been high scorer in 2 of the last 3 games. I know I keep talking about how good she is, but she really is. I introduced a new offense to the kids last week and she was the only one who totally got it, right off the bat! I think she is going to be my retirement plan. I just hope they start paying WNBA players better. LOL.

Right after basketball on Saturday, we went to a friend's son's birthday party. It was nice to catch up with old friends. After that it was an evening of movies. We watched "Transformers" with Mackendra (Aislinn was next door with the neighbours). What a great show. I watched it before, but totally enjoyed it again. Mackendra was a little confused by the show, and I guess the idea of "autonomous robots from an extinct planet" that can transform into vehicles is odd. Boy did that bring back some memories. I totally remember when Darren (my little brother) got Optimus Prime as a present. He was so stoked.

Well, keeping with the good ole days theme, I started bringing up old TV theme songs from the 80's and early 90's and quizzing Frank. He did really well. Try YouTubing these shows: Jem, Fraggle Rock, AirWolf, Knight Rider (can't wait for that movie to come out), The A Team, Family Ties, The Cosby Show, Hockey Night in Canada, The Smurfs, He-Man and She-Ra, MacGuyver, Mission Impossible, Murder She Wrote, National Geographic's Animal Kingdom, The Magical World of Disney, Dungeon and Dragons, The Fresh Prince of Bel Aire, TJ Hooker, Charlie's Angels, The Littlest Hobo, Little House on the Prairie, Sesame Street, The Friendly Giant, All American Hero, The Hulk, Wonder Woman. What a hoot!

Sunday was clean up day. We had the neighbour kids over for a bit. They are over here almost every day. Aislinn and Willow made some really cute figurines out of Play Doh.

Mackendra and I took some pictures of each other.

I look tired.

Mackendra looks so serious. Sorry, not a very flattering picture. She usually looks much cuter than this.

I also gave Tuck a grooming, a shave and a bath. He was getting so stinky! Now he is looking like he belongs to a family that cares for him.

I came across my kids being nice to each other. I'm sure every parent feels the same thing as I do when I see them playing nice and not tattle-taleing on each other or throwing things or actively bugging each other. You just have to document it, cause it isn't going to last long and when Family Services or the Police comes knocking you can prove that your family wasn't disfunctional all the time. I snuck up on them and got this on the camera.

Awwwww! This is awesome! This way Aislinn practices her reading and Mackendra gets stories read to her and I don't have to do anything! That last part is the best, the part about me not having to do anything. I didn't even need to bribe Aislinn to do this. She was just being a good big sister. And Mackendra really appreciated it.

Let's see, what else did we do. I went to pottery for a bit. Can't wait to get my stuff back. I will take pictures and upload them on this blog. By the way, most of you are going to get some pottery for Christmas (if you are lucky and I want to part with my masterpieces). I know you are waiting with baited breath. I also did a little scrapping. Here is what I came up with, more for my France book:

AAARRRGGGHHH! WTF! Why are the colors so weird? Ting???? What did I do wrong? Lets try another one.

Hmmmm... this one worked. I tried uploading the other one again, same thing. I hate it when electronics don't work the way they are supposed to. Soooooooo aggravating! Ok, I'm going to upload one more.

Yah! Hahaha. This picture cracks me up. When this platter came out, all our faces looked like her's. I love sushi, but OMG! We got this in this tiny fishing village somewhere along the Meditterranean coast in France.

Anyways, looking back at our weekend, I must say...we are a pretty boring family. Well, its only 4:37 pm on a Sunday night. Maybe I can get into a little trouble before the weekend is over. Wish me luck.

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