Friday, November 26, 2010

...being a kid sucks! (According to Aislinn)

Actual conversation that took place yesterday after school and its consequences:

Mom: Aislinn, take Tuck outside for a bit and, I don't know... throw some snowballs for him or something.

Aislinn: AWWWWWWWW Mom! Do I have to? (Imagine her voice set at the register that automatically grates on your last nerve).

Mom: **gritting my teeth and speaking through them** Yes, you have to. Just for 15 minutes. He hasn't gone out today.

Aislinn: **with an extremely pained look on her face and a voice that has turned up that dial another notch** I don't want to, I have to....go....clean up my bedroom. **this last bit said triumphantly**

Mom: **nodding because, yes, its true, Aislinn has to go clean up her bedroom, she was told to do that....3 days ago!** Yah, but take Tuck out first.

Aislinn: ** as she's walking away to her bedroom** I can't!

Mom: **turning to Dad with a murderous look in her face that prompts Dad to take action before Mom's head explodes** Frank!!!

Dad: Aislinn, get your ass outside right now!

Aislinn: I can't!

Dad: AISLINN!!! You have 3 seconds to take your dog outside before you spend the rest of the afternoon in your room!

Aislinn: You can't make me! **Starting to look worried but still determined to win this unwinable (is that even a word? not according to spellcheck) battle. Now, running away from Dad, holding her ears** Owww! Don't!!!! Letmego!!!! **as she's being dragged to her room**.

Dad: Mackendra! Will you take Tuck out for me?

Mackendra: Sure **all angelic-like, she knows she's getting bonus points here**.

Dad: Good, now Tuck's your dog.

Aislinn: WHA???!!!! No he's not!!! You can't do that!!! That's not fair!!! Well....if she gets Tuck then I get the hamster...and....and...and... THE HAMSTER IS GONNA DIE!!!!!

Mom and Dad: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Consequences: Aislinn spent the entire afternoon and evening in her bedroom alone. No one talked to her and she doesn't get to go on the school bowling trip.

Outcome: Agreement. Being a kids sucks.

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