Monday, November 8, 2010

...three weeks.

"Wha??? Wha???"

Just recently, Kong kong came and stayed with us, while my parents took a three week trip down to Utah. Don't tell my Mom, but he was really quite easy to live with. He had a routine, a simple one, that mostly revolved around meal times, that once we figured out, was easy to accommodate.

What we learned about Kong kong in those two weeks was that he really liked to eat out. We ate so much Chinese take-out in those three weeks! Even Aislinn, by the end of his stay, was saying, "No more Chinese food!" It was quite silly, but a local Chinese restaurant came to know us so well, that we could walk in, sit down, and the waitress would say, "you want the usual?", but in Cantonese.

At the end of those three weeks, we were sad to say goodbye to Kong kong. The girls absolutely loved having him here.

Also, at the end of those three weeks, Darren and Auria came back from their six month long trip to China and Southeast Asia. It was great to have everyone back together again.

To celebrate, we ate Chinese food! Of course. A huge hot pot feast! OMG! We eat so much!

I'm not even kidding when I say that Frank and I each put on about 10 pounds during those three weeks.

Other than the need for more stretchy pants, spending time with my grandfather was lovely.

Now we just need to go on a diet before we head up for Christmas in Prince George!

Love Tanya


Natasha said...

LOL!! Kong Kong has wanted to go out for Japanese almost every day!! And you better go on a diet before you come up know all we do when we get together is eat...A LOT!! I can't wait to see you guys again!

Purplestamper said...

Hey Tanya,

Thanks for sharing your family stories. I love them.


Dibbs on Gibbs said...

Kong Kong? Oh that's it this whole time I thought it was "Gong Gong" lol, but it sounds like Kong Kong enjoyed his stay and the pictures look professional like they came out of a magazine. I like the picture of him and aislynn on the couch becuz of the street lights in the city in the background looks sweet. Chao, nice catching up with u I want to blog a lot in the near future