Monday, November 1, 2010

...Halloween 2010

Wasn't it weird having Halloween on a Sunday?

I had all weekend to get everything ready. Yet, somehow, I was still all stressed out and almost late when the time came to actually head out trick or treating.

So, check out the pictures this year...

Aislinn did this entire pumpkin herself this year. I didn't even touch it! She picked a really complicated pattern, but it turned out pretty amazing.

Can you see what it is?

Mackendra proceeded to scare everyone by carving most of her own pumpkin as well. A seven year old stabbing a gourd was certainly spooky. I think Auria was having a mild panic attack watching Mackendra handling that knife.

Mackendra did a great job as well.

Then it was costume time. Not to brag or anything, but my kids always look awesome for Halloween. And this year was no exception.

Aislinn went as a gothic rag doll. She definitely had the best costume I saw.

She looked beautiful, yet creepy. You like her little voodoo doll? She made it herself out of socks.

Here's a closeup of her face.

Mackendra went as a vampire. She looked pretty creepy as well. Her hair was awesome!

And then, there was Auria and I. I went as a googly-eyed alien. Auria went as a Chinese/Japanese character.

Aislinn went out with her friend and Auria and I took Mackendra out to meet her little friend and we all went walking around her school neighborhood.

It was cold, but fun, and we caught a fireworks display that was better than we expected.

All in all, a pretty successful night.

I can't wait to see everyone else's costumes!

Love Tanya


Purplestamper said...

Fantastic photos and it was weird having it on a sunday...Your girls are gorgeous and I love both costumes...way to stand back and let them gain confidence with sharp objects...that can be a hard one.

Mary Sue said...

I love this! Those pumpkins were amazing! The costumes... Aislinn looked like something out of a magazine. Mackendra was just plain adorable :)