Monday, April 6, 2009


So, I just took my first class of Martial Arts. Totally cool! I am definitely going to keep attending the free Monday night classes here in college. I am also going to put my girls into it once I get home. I have never had so much fun being punched and kicked at! Our instructor is the sheriff of Glenville and he had this whole "chi" thing going on. He would take someone throwing a punch and flip, chop, strike, strike, chop, twist, pinch, chop, chop, turn, like 2 secs later have the poor dude on his stomach with his face all twisted up in pain. It was so fast and crazy and...darn it!!!! I want to be able to do that!

Let's 10K. Check.
Take up Yoga and Pilates. Check.
Try a Martial Arts. Check.


Is there something that you want to try? Another one on my list, is eating squirrel and ramps. Apparently it is ramp season right now and Mary Sue, my friend here, keeps threatening me with a ramp feast. I think she's bluffing (don't tell I said so). The squirrel doesn't look like it going to happen, as it is not squirrel hunting season and people don't usually can squirrel....what?! You can meat here? (Shaking my head in disbelief). But not squirrel. Weird.

Anyways...still surviving down here. Counting down the days.

Talk to everyone soon.

Love Tanya


Auria said...

Which martial art did you try? Sounds like maybe karate or judo? Did I ever tell you I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do? Well I do. Not that it accounts for much, I didn't get registered and I was young when I got it, maybe fifteen or sixteen. Yeah, the kicking and punching is a great stress reliever. Kickboxing is great if you haven't tried it. Way more cardiovascular and hard on your knees. What are you thinking about putting the kids in? Tae Kwon Do is definitely one of the more defensive martial arts. There's lots of things I want to try; especially kayaking and white water rafting. I do want to get back into yoga though, more as a meditative and spiritual type experience. Oooee! Class is starting! Good luck with your semester!

Natasha said...

I totally want to get the kiddos in to some sort of martial, I would like to do that too, but also Tai Chi, yoga and pilates. I also totally want to go skydiving; weird fact about me...I would never go bungee jumping, but skydiving is definitely on my bucket list!!