Tuesday, April 28, 2009

'Twas the Night Before Orals....

Hello Dear Friends,


Tomorrow is my comprehensive oral exam, the one that I have been moaning about since I first heard about it when I came to Glenville. The one that everyone dreads, the one that if you fail, you fail the class and then you don't get to graduate. So, on the eve of such a momentous event...I am blogging. I am sick of studying for it. I know I have a lot more that I could cover, but I am feeling antsy and bored and actually, to tell the truth...not that worried about it. I thought I would be a nervous wreck and be totally scared and everything, but strangely, I'm quite calm. I know I have talked about it a lot, my friends here at college all know about it, but it is more excitement than dread. I am just anxious to get it over with.

I am going to be the first student to take the orals. Everyone else is taking them next week. I am thinking that the professors will not be as hard on me as the others. I think this for several reasons. 1. They like me. 2. I am getting A's in all my classes so they know I am smart. 3. They know that I haven't taken most of this material for over a decade, so they won't expect great detail. 4. I am going first. 5. They don't want to fail me, or anyone else for that matter, so unless I go in there and can't answer anything, I think I will be ok.

Oh well...I know I will do a little more studying tonight and maybe a tiny bit tomorrow, but I am not going to stress over it.

So...here's to "please, please, please....ask me something I have studied...." and "I'm just going to do my best...."

I will let everyone know how it goes. Keep your fingers, and toes, crossed for me.

Love you,



... said...

I am crossing my fingers eyes and toes...okay...here is a practice question:

"Why do people think that classifying organisms at the highest level in domains rather than kingdoms makes /anything/ simpler?"

Who cares if the cell has a true nucleus? Biology majors, I guess!

Good luck to you!

Purplestamper said...

By now you have already done this...I'm sure you did an awesome and amazing job. Enjoy your graduation and I can't wait to see you. :-)