Monday, May 11, 2009

...and then, I was back home...

These last 5 months have been probably been the hardest, craziest, most fulfilling months of my life.

I have so many memories, still fresh, that I want to commemorate. I have so many people that I want to thank. I have so many stories to share.

I also have two demanding kids that are going to interrupt me at every opportunity, so this may take awhile.

Stay tuned.


Natasha said...

I am SO proud of what you have accomplished in these short months!!! You finally got that piece of paper that you were denied for so long!! You have to give me a call sometime and tell me how the whole ceremony went!! I can't believe that it's over already!! You're so awesome and strong!! Love you so much!!

Purplestamper said...

Way to go girlfriend. Happy to have you back :-) Can't wait to see you. Loads of love and a job well done....