Thursday, May 28, 2009 her first biking appearance....MACKENDRA!!!!

This is my youngest brat. I took her biking without training wheels at the track the other day and spent about half an hour trying to run behind her and not fall over. I almost died of exhaustion. So, today, Frank took her out back on the lane behind our house, and ten minutes later, he was yelling at me to come and watch.

So, is Frank that much better at teaching kids how to ride bikes or did I give Mackendra such a good base that once she got it, she got it? Or, is it that she is an awesome kid? I pick the last option.

He he he...she was so proud of herself.

Love Tanya


Mary Sue said...

This is awesome! I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was almost in 2nd grade, and here you're 5-year-old is mastering it! She's soooo adorable!

Purplestamper said...

Way to Go MACKENDRA...can't wait to have that sweet smiley face as part of my day. :-)

Natasha said...

So Awesome Mackendra!! I'm still trying to convince Tanner that he is actually big enough to ride without training wheels...maybe this will give him a little more confidence!!