Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Am I Weird?

Hello Friends,

So, I just found this great new blog that I will spend many hours reading, I'm sure. It is written by a guy (my first guy blogger!) named Ryan and he is a very sweet, funny man. If you have a chance you should check out his blog, This is Reverb it is listed in "My Blog List" on the left hand side. Anyways, one of his posts had to do with his quirks and possible OCD tendencies. It got me thinking, and when I think, I like to blog.

So, here are a couple of my quirks. And please reciprocate. I want to know all your silly, little oddities:

1. I can't cook anything until the dishes are done. Frank and the kids hate that when they are hungry, but I have to have a clean sink and clean countertops before I even start cooking.
2. I hate any sort of light when I sleep at night. Blinking lights are the worst and I have to cover them up with something. Frank tells me to just close my eyes, but it doesn't work! During the day, it doesn't matter.
3. I can't sit in a car without a seatbelt on. Even if I am just moving the car a couple feet, I have to buckle up. But...if I lay down in a car, it doesn't matter.
4. When I was at home (B.G. "Before Glenville") I had to have a fan on for white noise when I slept at night. Again, during the day, it didn't seem to matter.
5. I have to lock the doors at night and turn out all the lights.
6. This is a new one...in class, I have to take notes. I can't just sit and listen, I feel like I am going to miss something important. Some people just highlight in their text books or do nothing and that really bugs me for some reason. I get a little ticked off at them, especially if they are moving around because they are restless.
7. When I am on the treadmill or on the bike or eliptical or stairmaster, I can't just stop at any time. I have to stop at a 5 minute increment. 13, 21, 34 mins are not possible!

That is just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm not that bad actually. It is just some of these little things that really bug me and I can't let them go unless I take care of them.

Talk to you soon,

Love Tanya


Auria said...

Ha ha ha! I'd drive you nuts in class. Mind you, there's aren't quite so many facts to write down and memorize in English! But after about an hour if we don't get a break I get uber anxious! Were you tired when you wrote this or unable to sleep? Most of them seem to be about sleeping or night time!
I definitely rub my feet together before I can fall asleep! It used to drive Darren nuts, cuz, as you know, you Johnsons are such light sleepers.
I also find it incredibly difficult to sit at my desk and do homework. So my desk has just become another place to pile random things on. Instead I sit in unconventional ways on the couch.
(Our kitchen has to be clean to cook because we don't have enough counterspace for it to be otherwise.)
Hope school is going well! I talked to an academic advisor yesterday, just to make sure I was on the right track (and didn't end up like most of the people at school who think they can graduate and can't). Five classes to go once this semester is over, and for us that's two weeks! One in the summer and four in the fall! So close! But it's definitely almost seven and I have a paper due at one that I haven't really started! Good luck with school and all your quirks! Muwah!

kaka said...

I chew my nails only when i have to study or when i'm reading...sometimes when i'm really nervous.

Ever since i took a typewriting class in gr.9, when i watch movies, i'll sit there and type out some of the dialogue...it's weird, and i don't know why i do it. An ex bf once thought that i had a tic when he held my hand during movies...i told him that i did.

I also can't sleep when there are any lights on in my room. There is a hat that's home is over my alarm clock.

I always wish on shooting stars

I pop my belly button inside out and try to see what's inside of it...I also clean it out ever since Ting once stuck her finger in her own belly button and stuck it under my nose.

That's all for now...

Tanya Johnson said...

Ewwww...belly button info that I didn't need to know! Gross! That typing out the dialogue is weird, I had no idea. And Auria, I am jealous...very jealous...only 2 weeks?!? I'm working on 5 and a half here. Blah. Love you guys.

Natasha said...

Hey!! I'll let you know that my belly button does NOT smell like that anymore!!! At least I don't think it does;)

I am SO with you with the no lights when I'm sleeping!!! My alarm clock across the room drives me nuts...Mike thinks I'm weird (but it must be a Johnson thing!!)

When I was in school I also had to take notes...and when I studied for exams I would rewrite my notes, sometimes 2 or 3 times.

When I sleep, it doesn't matter how cold it is, I can't have anything longer than shorts and a t-shirt on...and definitely NO socks!!!

When I eat M&M's I always sort them out according to colour, even though they all taste the same.

That's all I can think of now...