It seems that I am on the home stretch. You know, that part of the race when you are just over half way done, you can look across and see the finish line. It still seems like a freakin' long way to go, and your lungs are screaming, perhaps even bleeding...and you are thinking to yourself, "what have I gotten into here?" Just moments before, you had just passed that point where to quit now would be pointless and to turn back would be longer than just finishing? That is where I am.
53 days to go! In just over 7 weeks I will be walking to accept my degree. So...what has brought on this contemplation? Well, our Senior Seminar class, the class that all the biology majors that are graduating this semester has to take, did our mock interviews today. The position I was interviewing for was for entrance in the School of Optometry at U.C. Berkeley. I had to research the school and make plans as if I was going to attend. It really got me thinking of, "what is the next step?". I have been concentrating so hard on simply getting to Glenville to graduate, then just completing the class that I didn't look at what was next. Participating in those mock interviews forced me to consider my next steps. And I must is pretty cool. Oh...and I rocked the interview! I was voted "best interview" by my colleagues (yah, we had to conduct the interviews in front of the rest of the class). The interviewer also said that she was most impressed with my demeanor and confidence and that my entire interview seemed the most engaging. I'm a shoo in for med school!!!!
So, to finish, all I have to do is write 2 major term papers. Present them in front of an invited audience. Pass my comprehesive oral exam. And write about 6 lesser papers, take a few tests and pass my finals. Oh, and I have to present some of my research to the West Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting (about 200 people) and finish another Independent Research project and defend that.
Ok...that seems like a lot. Maybe I'm not all that close. Did I say "Home Stretch"? It is quite a stretch.
Don't panic...
I can do this...
Now you know why I am the way I am! All the papers, the tests, while also trying to figure out "What's the next step?", because the next step comes up fast. Darren and I are right now trying to put together a game plan for China. The budget part for the trip is stressful (seeing as I'm not working much), while also keeping in mind present debt! We tried looking a little further ahead. My PDP, kids, marriage, etc. It's all insane! I don't know how Ting did it all at the same time, or how you're doing it right now. It amazes me! You should be so proud!
Tanya you can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You have your own personal cheering section back here and we believe in you. Hang in there...Breathe.... I guess it is easy for me to say hey....
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