Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some things that make me miss home...

Yes, I know I have already posted today, but I was procrastinating again and ended up looking through some pictures and I needed to share some of the best ones with you guys.

This is Auria, my little brother's girlfriend and she is definitely a favorite around our house. She is always willing to play "Princess" and damn it, she fits into the dresses!

This is our, as yet, unnamed house band. Aislinn, in her Supergirl costume, is on vocals, Auria is displaying her mad skills on the guitar, Darren, trying to look cool but succeeding only in looking stunned, is on bass and Frank is very carefully counting and trying to keep the beat on the drums. We haven't secured any gigs yet, but we are confident that one is just around the corner. Can anyone suggest an appropriate name for us?

This is a major source of my homesickness. This is what my two brats show the world.

This is what I see.....

Pure entertainment! This is what they usually look like when company isn't over.

And here is another picture that makes me crave home.

Tuck is so gosh darn cute. He is such a good dog. Don't let Frank tell you any different.

Now here is a strange picture, and I apologize ahead of time if anyone gets grossed out by it. I want you to know that it is a picture of feet. Specifically, my feet and Aislinn's feet. Aislinn is only 10 and this picture was actually taken last year. Now tell this normal? Should a 10 years old girl have such flippin' huge feet? My only hope is that we will have the first basketball post player in our family if this trend continues.

Can you even tell which ones are mine and which ones are her's?

The next picture is much more palatable. This one tugs at my heart strings.

What a good Dad. You gotta love a man who will take time out of his hectic day to read a story to his little girl. Makes me love him even more.

Here's another favorite memory of mine. We had a pumpkin carving party at our house this Halloween. The kids did fabulous. I was dreading the idea that I would be the one that ended up carving 5 pumpkins, but they surprised me and completed them almost entirely unaided.

Here are my parents. I will get to spend some time with them this Spring Break.

And here is another great picture of the loves of my life. This was taken during our trip down to California last year to visit my sister, her family and my aunt and uncle.

Oh! And this is a great picture of the beauty of British Columbia.

Ignore the funny looking lady with the bad hair in the center of the picture and focus on the really beautiful scenery around her. Mmmmmm...S'mores on a beach by a campfire. Nothing compares to that. And by the way you West Virginian blog readers...this is a natural lake, carved by a glacier!

And this is just a funny picture that needs to be on this blog. She will kill me for this when she grows up.
He he he ho ho ho. This just makes me chuckle.

And another appearance by Auria. I will get killed for this picture as well. I love this girl!

Oops! And for the guys...a little gratuitous T & A.

Ha! Had you hoping didn't I. No...this is a family blog. But we are pretty cute in our bikinis. The fabulous girl on the right is my sis, Rachel. And this was taken during a very hilarious camping trip this last summer. If you have never tried tubing down a river, just know that you will laugh a lot, get many bruises on your backside, and not remember half the things that happened.

So, as I get closer to coming home for a bit. I think about all the wonderful times I have had with my family in the past. I am a little sad to think of all the fun times you have had without me during the last two months. I miss everyone and can't wait to catch up.

And that is the end of my trip down memory lane.

Love Tanya


Auria said...

Yes, you are mildly evil! That's a horrible first impression though, me in a two year old's princess dress. Oh my!

Natasha said...

Where the heck have I been this past week?! Oh, I know...dealing with sick kids, a dislocated finger and a nasty cold myself. I'm sorry I've been MIA lately, but I'm so happy that you are now home!!! I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family...and I'm so jealous that you get to eat Mom's cooking for a week!!
BTW - you have to tell me about that vent!!